Scene 1 - A3 |
Pages Du Storyboard - Life Span (Remake 2015)
Cette année, je compte bosser sur deux projets différents. L'un de ses soi-disant projets est un vieux dessin animé qui date du temps où j'étais encore étudiante. Oui, oui,
ça date bel et bien de 2012, l'année où je suis sortie diplômée en Animation/Dessin animé. I never really got the project to where I wanted it to go, it felt like a piece of art that was left to die in a corner. I wasn't at peace, I needed to find a way to refine and finish this project. So here I am, 3 years later, armed with better digital drawing skills and a determination to finish this piece of work. Il est temps pour moi de produire des chef d'oeuvres. Once this whole project is completed, the animation will be posted on my youtube along with a synopsis and a few screenshots here on my blog. For the time being, enjoy a few of my other projects here on my blog !
Scene 2 - A2 |
Scene 2 - A3 |
Scene 3 - A1 |
Scene 3 - A2 |
Scene 3 - A3 |
Scene 3 - E |
Scene 3 - F |
Scene 3 - G |
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